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7 mar 2022
On behalf of the European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences under the auspices of UNESCO, and the Chongqing University, China, I would like to courteously invite you to the 5th International Symposium of Healthy Rivers and Sustainable Water Resources Management under the theme “Ecohydrology for Water Security”, which will take place in Warsaw on 8-10 June 2022. The evolution of the Ecohydrology paradigm within the UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme since its beginning in 1996, will be the important reference point for the introduction of new challenges and new emerging ecohydrological nature-based methods and systemic solutions in the context of the strategy and priorities of UNESCO-IHP phase IX “Science for a Water Secure World in a Changing Environment” (2022-2029). The organizers assume that the exchange of ideas will be important not only as the inspiration for further development of the transdisciplinary knowledge - Ecohydrological Nature-Based Solutions (EH NBS), but will also enforce international network of cooperation, which should accelerate and adopt the process of development and implementation of WBSR + CE for Integrated Water Resources Management. The acronym WBSR+CE means that every water management actions/investments in catchments have to improve four parameters: Water, Biodiversity, Services for society, Resilience to climate change and anthropogenic impacts, the implementation of which has to be broadly supported by Culture and Education on the water for sustainability, thus the conscious and wise involvement of society. Moreover, the WBSR creates a bridge between UNESCO IHP and Sustainable Development Goals. I hope you accept an invitation to participate in this great platform to exchange ideas and experiences. with kind regards, Professor Maciej Zalewski Director European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology of the Polish Academy of Sciences u/a UNESCO
Ist Announcement Ecohydrology Symposium
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