News 2018
more info about EKOROB & EH-REK
EU awards for the Best LIFE projects for environment completed in 2016-2017
The two LIFE+ projects “Ecotones for reducing diffuse pollution” (EKOROB, at the Pilica River demosite (UNESCO demosite) and “Ecohydrologic rehabilitation of recreational reservoirs “Arturówek” Łódź as a model approach to rehabilitation of urban reservoirs” (EH-REK, were selected by European Commission as a best LIFE+ projects in 2016. EH-REK was even awared as the Best of Best Environment Project. The award ceremony took place in Brussels in 2018.
The European Commission LIFE+ projects focused on sustainability problem solving by implementation integrative environmental science knowledge are concordant with UNESCO IHP concepts and mission.
On photos:
upper - LIFE+ Award Ceremony 2018 (all projects leaders);
lmiddle - MSc Wojciech Frątczak (ERCE, EKOROB)), Dr. hab. prof. ERCE Katarzyna Izydorczyk (ERCE, EKOROB), Prof. Maciej Zalewski ERCE EKOROB, UL EH-REK), Dr. hab. prof. UL Tomasz Jurczak UL EH-REK), Dr. Zbigniew Kaczkowski (UL EH-REK).
lower - Dr. hab. prof. UL Tomasz Jurczak UL EH-REK), Prof. Maciej Zalewski ERCE EKOROB, UL EH-REK), Mr Karmenu Vella EU EC Commissioner.