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Title / Autor(s)


Integrated Watershed Management - Ecohydrology & Phytotechnology- Manual.


Zalewski M., Wagner-Łotkowska I. (eds.) 2004


Ecohydrology and physical habitat modification for fish - the integrative approach for reversing decline of fish communities and good ecological status of freshwater ecosystems.

Ecohydrol. Hydrobiol. 4 (4), 361-363

Zalewski, M., Hickley, P.


Ecohydrology as a system approach for sustainable water biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Ecohydrol. Hydrobiol. 4 (3), 229-236

Zalewski, M.


Environment and economy - dual benefit of ecohydrology and phytotechnology in water resources management: Pilica River Demonstration Project under the auspices of UNESCO and UNEP

Ecohydrol. Hydrobiol. 4 (3), 345-352

Wagner-Łotkowska, I., Bocian, J., Pypaert, P., Santiago-Fandino, V., Zalewski, M.


Increase of Crustacean Sensitivity to Purified Hepatotoxic Cyanobacterial Extracts by Manipulation of Experimental Conditions.

Environ. Toxicol. 19: 416-420

Drobniewska A., Tarczynska M., Mankiewicz J., Jurczak T., Zalewski M.


The evaluation of the role of pelagic invertebrate versus vertebrate predators on the seasonal dynamics of filtering Cladocera in a shallow, eutrophic reservoir.

Hydrobiologia 515: 123-135

Wojtal A., Frankiewicz P., Wagner-Łotkowska I., Zalewski M.


Toxicity of microcystin from cyanobacteria growing in the source of drinking water.

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 139:175-179

Majsterek I., Sicińska P., Tarczyńska M., Zalewski M., Walter Z.


Riparian zones: Where biogeochemistry meets biodiversity in management practice.

Polish Journal of Ecology 52 (1):3-18

Decamps H., Pinay G., Naiman R.J., Petts G.E., McClain M.E., Hillbricht-Ilkowska A., Hanley T.A., Holmes R.M., Quinn J., Gibert J., Planty Tabacchi A-M., Schiemer F., Tabacchi E., Zalewski M.


Target strength of freshwater fishes at 420 kHz measured in cages.

Hydroacoustics 7: 55-62

Godlewska M.


Hydroacoustics as a tool for studies of fish and their habitat.

Ecohydrol. Hydrobiol. 4 (4), 417-427

Godlewska M., Świerzowski A., Winfield I. J.

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