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System solutions in urban water management: The Lodz (Poland) perspective.

In: Howe, C., & Mitchell C. (Eds.). Water Sensitive Cities. IWA Publishing, London, pp. 231-245.

Wagner I., Zalewski M.


Lodz: city of water.

In: John Butterworth, Peter McIntyre and Carmen da Silva Wells [Eds.] SWITCH in the City. Putting urban water management to the test. IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre. The Hague, The Netherlands, pp. 210-221.

Wagner  I., da Silva Wells C., Butterworth J., Dzięgielewska-Geitz M.


Hydroacoustic measurements at 70 kHz using different pulse length: consequences for fish stock estimations.

Aquatic Living Resources 24:71-78.

Godlewska M., Colon M., Józwik A., Guillard J.


Effects of microcystins-containing cyanobacteria from a temperate ecosystem on human lymphocytes culture and their potential for adverse human health effects.

Harmful Algae 10:356-365.

Mankiewicz-Boczek  J., Palus J., Gągała  I., Izydorczyk  K., Jurczak T., Dziubałtowska E., Stępnik M., Arkusz J., Komorowska M., Skowron A., Zalewski M.


Perennial toxigenic Planktothrix agardhii bloom in selected lakes of Western Poland.

Environmental Toxicology 26(1): 10–20.

Mankiewicz-Boczek  J., Gagała  I., Kokociński M., Jurczak T., Stefaniak K.


Water quality improvement through an integrated approach to the management of river floodplain wetlands.

"Water Quality/ Book 2". ISBN 979-953-307-745-0.

Kiedrzyńska E., Zalewski M.


Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans in sediemnts from two Ethiopian Rift Valley Lakes.

Polish J. Environ. Stud. 20(4): 1069-1074.

Urbaniak M., Zalewski M.


Ecohydrology for implementation of the EU water framework directive.

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineering Water Management vol. 164 issue WM8, pp 375-385.

Zalewski M.



In: Encyclopedia of Agrophysics Gliński, J., Horabik, J. and Lipiec, J. (Eds.) Springer, 1st Edition., 2011, 900 p., ISBN 9789048135868.

Zalewski M.


Temporal variation in microcystin production by  Planktothrix agardhii (Gomont) Anagnostidid and Komárek (Cyanobacteria, Oscillatoriales) in a temperate lake.

Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim. DOI:10.1051/limn/2011046

Kokociński M., Stefaniak K., Izydorczyk K., Jurczak T., Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Soininen J.  


The impact of pelagic (Daphnia longispina) and benthic (Dreissena polymorpha) filter feeders on chlorophyll and nutrient concentration. Limnologica. 41(3):191-200.

Wojtal-Frankiewicz A., Frankiewicz P.


Wody roztopowe w zurbanizowanych zlewniach deszczowych na tle dynamiki przepływu i chemizmu wód rzecznych na przykładzie rzeki Sokołówki.

In: Łomotowski J. (Ed.) Wody opadowe a zjawiska ekstremalne. Wyd. Seidel-Przywecki sp. z o.o. pp. 215-224. ISBN 9788360956304.

Stolarska M., Frątczak W., Skowron A., Zalewski M.

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