Title / Autor(s)
Energy, water, plant interactions: "Green Feedback" as a mechanism for environmental management and control through the application of phytotechnology and ecohydrology.
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Ecohydrology – a new Paradigm for Integrated Water Resources Management.
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Test with luminescent bacteria for the toxicity assessment of cyanobacterial bloom samples.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 12(8):861-864.
Mankiewicz J., Tarczyńska M., Jurczak T., Wojtysiak-Staniaszczyk M., Zalewski M.
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Test with luminescent bacteria for the toxicity assessment of cyanobacterial bloom samples.
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Mankiewicz J., Tarczyńska M., Jurczak T., Wojtysiak-Staniaszczyk M., Zalewski M.
Natural Toxins from Cyanobacteria.
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