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Title / Autor(s)


Role of Environmental Factors and Toxic Genotypes in The Regulation of Microcystins-Producing Cyanobacterial Blooms.

Microbial Ecology 2014. 67: 465-479

Gągała I., Izydorczyk K., Jurczak T., Pawełczyk J., Dziadek J., Wojtal-Frankiewicz A., Jóźwik A., Jaskulska A., Mankiewicz-Boczek J.


Comparing hydroacoustic fish stock estimates in the pelagic zone of temperate deep lakes using three frequencies (70, 120, 200 kHz). Inland Waters 2014. 4:435-444

Guillard J., Lebourges-Daussy A., Balk H., Colon M., Jóźwik A. Godlewska M.


Point sources of nutrient pollution in the lowland river catchment in the context of the Baltic Sea eutrophication.

Ecological Engineering 2014. 70: 337-348

Kiedrzyńska E., Kiedrzyński M., Urbaniak M., Magnuszewski A., Skłodowski M., Wyrwicka A., Zalewski M.


Historical land use, actual vegetation and the hemeroby levels in ecological evaluation of an urban river valley in perspective of its rehabilitation plan.

Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 2014. 23: 1, 109-117

Kiedrzyński M., Kiedrzyńska E., Witosławski P., Urbaniak M., Kurowski J.K.


Regional climate and geology affecting habitat availability for a relict plant in a flat landscape: the case of Festuca amethystina L. in Poland. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 2014.

Kiedrzyński M., Zielińska K.M. Kiedrzyńska E., Jakubowska-Gabara J.


Hierarchy of factors exerting an impact on the nutrient load of the Baltic Sea and sustainable management of its drainage basin.

Marine Pollution Bulletin

Kiedrzyńska E., Jóźwik A., Kiedrzyński M., Zalewski M.


Predicting and seasonal changes in the incidence of microcystin-producing cyanobacteria in Lake Tana, the largest waterbody in Ethiopia. African Journal of Ecology.

DOI: 10.1111/aje.12170

Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Gągała I., Urbaniak M., Negussie Y.


The role of riparian willow communities in phosphorus accumulation and dioxin control for water quality improvement in a lowland river. Ecological Engineering 2014. 70:1-10

Skłodowski M., Kiedrzyńska E., Kiedrzyński M., Urbaniak M., Zielińska K.M., Kurowski, J.K., Zalewski M.


The impact of point sources of pollution on the transport of micropollutants along the river continuum.

Hydrology Research. 2014. 45: 391-410

Urbaniak M, Kiedrzyńska E., Kiedrzyński M., Mendra M., Grochowalski A.


Spatial distribution and reduction of  PCDDs/PCDF Toxic Equivalents along three shallow lowland reservoirs.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014. 21: 4441-4452

Urbaniak M., Kiedrzyńska E., Zieliński M., Zalewski M.


Seasonal distribution of PCDDs/PCDFs in the small urban reservoirs.

International Journal of Environmental Research. 9. 745-752. 

Urbaniak M., Zieliński M., Wagner I.


Ecohydrology and hydrologic engineering: regulation of hydrology-biota interactions for sustainability.  

Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 2014. 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000999

Zalewski M. 


PCDDs, PCDFs and dl-PCBs in the urban and rural water ecosystems of Central Poland – A Mini review.

International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health. 27. 902-18. 10.2478/s13382-014-0336-y. 

Zieliński M., Kamińska J., Czerska M., Ligocka D., Urbaniak M.


A comparison of the effectiveness of various biotechnological methods to enhancing denitrification for N removal from areas of intensive farming.

Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology.

DOI information: 10.1016/j.ecohyd.2014.01.005

Bednarek A., Szklarek S., Zalewski M.


Ecosytem services: a rapid assessment method tested at 35 sites of the LTER-Europe Network.

Ekológia (Bratislava) 33(3): 217–231.

Dick, J., Al-Assaf, A., Andrews, Ch., Díaz-Delgado, R., Groner, E., Halada, L., Izakovičová, Z., Kertész, M., Khoury, F., Krasić, D., Krauze, K., Matteucci, G.,  Melecis, V., Mirtl, M., Orenstein, D., Preda, E., Santos-Reis, M., Smith, R., Vadineanu, A., Veselić, S., Vihervaara, P.


Long-term decrease of the vendace population in Lake Pluszne (Poland) – result of global warming, eutrophication or both?

Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 14: 89-95

Godlewska M., Doroszczyk L., Długoszewski B., Kanigowska E.


Editorial and conclusions of the symposium: International Symposium on Ecohydrology, Biotechnology and Engineering: Towards Harmony Between the Biogeosphere and Society on the Basis of Long-Term Ecosystem Research, September 17–19, Łódź, Poland.

Moss, B., Bidoglio, G., Pietrowsky, R., Breil, P., Bourgeron, P., Cullmann, J., Arduino, G.,  Jasser, I., Magnuszewski, A., Orenstein, D., Piper, G., Ratajski, S., Xia, J., Krauze, K., Wagner, I., Zalewski, M.


GIS approach to estimation of the total phosphorous transfer in the Pilica River lowland catchment. Quaestiones

Geographicae 2014. 33(3), 101-110.

Magnuszewski A., Kiedrzyńska E., Kiedrzyński M., Moran S.


Fitoremediacja jako biologiczna metoda oczyszczania środowiska.

Aura 2014. 7: 7-10

Posmyk K., Urbaniak M.


The effect of PCB-contaminated sewage sludge and sediment on metabolism of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus L.).

Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 2014,75–82.

Wyrwicka A., Steffani S., Urbaniak M.


Issues of biological and agricultural treatment of municipal sewage sludge.

Acta Innovations, 2014, nr 12,  35-48

Urbaniak M., Wyrwicka A., Kiedrzyńska E., Staniak S., Gałązka A., Tołoczko W., Siebielec G.


Ecohydrology, biotechnology and engineering for cost efficiency in reaching the sustainability of biogeosphere.  

Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 2014, 14: 14-20

Zalewski, M.


Blue aspects of green infrastructure.

IN: Bergier, T., Kronenberg, J., Lisicki, P. (eds.): Sustainable Development Applications Journal 4/2013 (Nature in the city - solutions)

Wagner, I., Krauze, K., Zalewski, M.


Jak bezpiecznie zatrzymać wodę opadową w mieście? Narzędzia techniczne.

W: Bergier, T., Kronenberg, J., Lisicki, P. (eds.): "Przyroda w mieście - Rozwiązania". Zrównoważony Rozwój - Zastosowania, nr 5/2014.

Wagner, I., Krauze, K.


Ecohydrology for Engineering Harmony in the Changing World.  

Handbook of Engineering Hydrology"; edited by Saeid Eslamian, CRC Press, 79-96

Zalewski M.

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