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Ecohydrology Concept 

cząsteczki Bio

The theoretical and empirical background to the principles of Ecohydrology were developed in the 1980s and 1990s by Professor Maciej Zalewski with a team from the Department of Applied Ecology, University of Lodz (DAE UL, since 2019 the UNESCO Chair on Ecohydrology and Applied Ecology University of Lodz) and international collaborators (Zalewski, Naiman 1985; Zalewski et al. 1985, 1991; Zalewski, Schiemer, Thorpe 2001). The international cooperation of both ERCE PAS and DAE UL and between them, has been generating increasing synergy and progress in basic and applied sciences of the both institutions.


                                                       Synergy between ERCE PAS & DAE UL - poster











ECOHYDROLOGY, as a scientific paradigm, is based on the assumption that water – in the hydrological cycle – is the common denominator and regulator of most types of ecological processes, such as nutrient circulation and energy flow, which determine the degree of biodiversity, bioproductivity, availability of ecosystem services for society and the resilience of ecosystems to climate change. Conversely, biota also modify the hydrological cycle to a great extent - both types of interaction act as the background to the use of ecosystem processes as innovative management tools to enhance catchments’ sustainability potential (expressed as Water - W, Biodiversity - B, Ecosystem Services - S, Resilience - R, Cultural Heritage - C and Education - E; WBSRC+E), and to harmonize them with technical improvement measures.

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Read more about Ecohydrology Concept


EH - process oriented thinking


EH - principles


EH - dual regulation


EH - origin - deductive background


EH - for city


EH - origin - inductive background


Ecohydrology, biotechnology and engineering – a cost-efficient tool for “Nature Based Solutions” and “Circular Bioeconomy”

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